High-Quality Translation in 500+ Global Languages
Get precise expert translation & localisation into 500+ languages, coupled with lightning-fast speed, unmatched flexibility & award-winning 24/7 support from a 1-stop-shop translation company trusted by 10,000+ global brands.
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- 15+ years of industry experience
- Over 10 million words translated
- Enterprise-grade technology
- Top 250 LSP worldwide
- 4000+ native-speaking linguists
- 750+ excellent reviews
- 1 stop language service provider
- NHS SBS approved supplier
- Member of ITI
How We Work
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Need an agile translation partner? We adapt to your needs. Hit the Get Started button to submit your files for a quote via our intuitive portal or book a 1-2-1 call to brief us for a more complex job.
Human & AI Translation
Our experts deploy human linguists or AI technology (or both) to get you high-quality translation at speed & scale, adapted for business purpose.
Integrated Workflow
For hands-off exchange of content requiring translation, we can integrate with your own systems and processes, so that deployment of translation becomes a seamless semi-automated process.
Why LingvoHouse?
Translation & Localization
Any document or file, any language, any size, we can help…
Written Translation Rates
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I was recommended LingvoHouse by a colleague, and I am thrilled to say that choosing them was an excellent decision. LingvoHouse delivered an outstanding service from start to finish. Their team not only provided precise translations but also ensured that every technical term was thoroughly verified and appropriately localised for each target language.
Moreover, the project required full DTP (Desktop Publishing), and LingvoHouse produced beautifully designed translations, maintaining consistency and format across all languages, which was critical for the professional presentation of the manual.
Communication with LingvoHouse was seamless and efficient. They kept me informed throughout the process and were always responsive to any queries or concerns. Their professionalism and dedication made the entire experience smooth and hassle-free.
I am one happy customer!
They demonstrated a deep understanding of what brand's voice is and asked me questions to make sure their ideas were matching mine. Keyword research ensured that my content was not only accurately translated but also optimized for search engines in each target market, which initially was a pain for us and we were desperate to solve it. I just needed to boost our visibility and engagement across diverse regions, and this is exactly what they helped us to do.
We had a couple of catch up calls which gave me confidence as well as peace of mind.
Happy to recommend to anyone who requires professionalism, attention to detail, and prepared to be commited to deliver quality.